Julie and Julia and Me

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Last night I saw the movie Julie and Julia starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. This is the story of a woman (Julie) who cooks every recipe in Julia Child’s cookbook and blogs about it over the course of a year. If you haven’t seen it I higher recommend it! Meryl Streep is wonderful as Julia Child!


Let me say right off the bat that I don’t have any delusions that my lil blog is going to get me interviewed by the New York Times or get me a book deal. I am not a writer by trade- I’m a customer service rep who majored in Biology. But I can still enjoy blogging for the joy of having a creative outlet and of the thought of (hopefully) making someone else smile with my attempts at humor or think with my attempts at serious commentary.


And no, I’m not posting this in the hopes of getting zillions of comments. If you choose to comment you certainly can but if you choose not to that is OK too. I am just glad you are here in my little corner of the internet. Thank you for reading!

2 thoughts on “Julie and Julia and Me

  1. sbehrns

    I'm reading and I'm not afraid to comment either! I had lunch with Pam the other day and I told her she had better start reading your blog – you have some great thoughts! Keep 'em coming!!


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