Category Archives: Warm fuzzies

Happy thoughts!

A Year of Oreo!

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This week we celebrate a very special milestone at Casa Palmer! July 18th marks the one year anniversary of Oreo’s arrival in our home.  Pat saw Oreo – then named Hershey- was up for adoption at a local shelter and instantly knew he wanted to add him to our family.   He had been talking about getting a male cat for… Read more »

A Good Touch

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As I’m writing this I have a dull ache in my neck, shoulders, and uppers arms.  And I’m really happy about that.  Why?  Because I had a wonderful massage yesterday! Getting a massage is one of the easiest things you can do to give yourself some quality “me time”.   You can’t go anywhere, you can’t answer your phone, you can’t… Read more »

Don’t Make Your Bed Day Again

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Yes, I’ve mentioned this one before but it bears repeating.  Today is don’t make your bed day. There are quite a few reasons not to make your bed every day.  To me the most obvious is that it’s a complete waste of time.  I didn’t spend a lot of money on decorative pillows I feel a need to display.  I… Read more »

World Pianist Day

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Today is a day after my own heart.  Today is World Pianist Day. While I don’t consider myself any kind of expert musician of any kind, I did take piano lessons for 10 years.  I don’t get the chance to play too often these days, but I am glad that my folks spent the money.  It made band a lot… Read more »

Oreo Update

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It’s been about 3 months since we brought Oreo into our home so I figured folks would like an update on how things are going. Overall, things are going great!  Oreo settled in like he’d been here forever in just a few hours.  We never went through a “hiding under the bed” phase of adjusting to a new space.  He… Read more »

Iceland on the Horizon

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I’ve written quite a bit about the joys of solo travel – yes, even for married folks.  I think it’s unhealthy to think you can’t go anywhere alone, but that’s another topic for another day. Today I’m talking about a trip that my husband and I will be taking together.  We’ve decided that in 2026 to celebrate our 20th anniversary… Read more »