A Year of Oreo!

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This week we celebrate a very special milestone at Casa Palmer!

July 18th marks the one year anniversary of Oreo’s arrival in our home.  Pat saw Oreo – then named Hershey- was up for adoption at a local shelter and instantly knew he wanted to add him to our family.   He had been talking about getting a male cat for some time and this one just felt right.  I am sure that him having the same name as the late great Hershey who was Pat’s constant feline companion for 19 years helped him stand out.

From day one it was apparent that Oreo was supposed to live here.  It took him less than an hour to come out from hiding and act like he’d lived here for years.  He and Lilly bonded very quickly.  Lilly went into full on mommy mode and made sure his face and ears were spotless at all times.   His relationship with Boots has been a bit more rocky, but as he gets older and calms down some I think it will get better.

That being said, I’m not sure when Oreo will calm down.  He is still almost as much of a handful as he was on day two.  He still tears around like his tail is on fire.  He still pounces on just about anything that moves- today he is very excited about an empty pill bottle that he knocked on to the floor.  He still has a kitten-like mew.  Pat says he’s heard him meow and that it was LOUD. Can’t wait for that- ha.

And of course, it’s impossible to ignore his cuteness.  All kittens are cute.   Oreo was exceptionally cute a year ago, and he still is now.  He’s tripled (at least) in size but he is still SO CUTE.  Even people who don’t like cats have to admit that Oreo is a very handsome boy.

Pat has said that Oreo is more spoiled than Hershey was.  I don’t know if that is true or not, but it IS true that Oreo has a pretty cushy life here and we love him to bits.  There has not been a single day that we’ve regretted adding him to our family.

So happy homecoming anniversary to our baby Oreo!

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