Category Archives: Bright shiny objects

Random observations

Amelia Earhart Day

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Today marks the birthday of Amelia Earhart, the aviator best known for her mysterious disappearance in 1937. But she was so much more than that.  She was the first woman- and only the second person ever- to fly the Atlantic solo.  She founded the Ninety-Nines, a non profit designed to promote and support women in aviation.  She was a fashion… Read more »

National Dimples Day

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Are you in the approximately 25% of people who have fovea buccalis?  Don’t worry if you do- it’s not a bad thing!  That is just the medical term for dimples! Dimples are actually a birth defect!  They are caused when the zygomaticus major facial muscle in your cheek doesn’t form properly in utero.  There are two sets of muscle tissue… Read more »

Enter Player Three. Exit Human Decency

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Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade there has been a lot of activity within the pro-life movement.  My opinion on this topic is well documented, so I’m not going to get into that today.  You can read it here if you’re curious: . Instead I’m going to focus on a newer player in the pro-life space. Traditionally there… Read more »

National Barcode Day

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You might be wondering why I would highlight National Barcode Day.  There are a couple reasons. #1 I’m a science nerd and the implementation of barcodes revolutionized retail.  I find things like that very interesting! #2 Selling tags and labels with barcodes on them is what I do for a living.  It’s a little more complicated than that, but barcodes… Read more »

Weddings Are Out of Control

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Wedding season is in full swing.  And it’s becoming more and more apparent that wedding are out of control.  The average cost of a wedding in 2024 is $33,000 and the average cost to just attend a wedding is $600 per person! It starts with the proposal.  Back in my day, proposals were usually private events.  Maybe over a nice… Read more »