My first “real” pet cat was a very large tabby cat named Buddy. He was a sweet, loving cat who my vet called “the dumbest cat I’ve ever seen” . For the record, hi didn’t really mean it in a mean way- it was just a statement of fact. I once tried a popular dog intelligence test on Buddy- tossing a blanket on him to see how long it would take him to figure out how to get out. After spending about 3 seconds trying to get out he curled up and took a nap.
I now have a sweet, loving cat named Pumpkin. She has a very small head and apparently there is a reason for that. I call her the “50 First Dates” cat because she walks around with this constant look of surprise in spite of the fact that she’s lived with us for 3 years.
I wouldn’t trade “my babies” for the world. They make me smile every day. But maybe someday I can get one who could find their way out of a wet paper sack!