So I Did a Thing

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So I did a thing last week.

After long talks with my boss and my husband, I made the decision that it was time to go back to the office.

NOTE- the photo for this blog post is NOT of my actual office.  It comes from Unsplash, which is a great site for copyright free images and one I recommend!

My employer has been extremely proactive in terms of employee safety all along.  They were one of the first in our area to send employees home.  They have rearranged manufacturing equipment – and employee schedules – to minimize close contact.  They have our facility deep cleaned approximately every 3 weeks.  They have provided every employee with a thermometer so we can take our temperatures at home.  The have add hand sanitizer stations (we had some pre-COVID) and foot pedals for opening frequently opened doors.   There are masks available at every entry.

So, October 19th was my first day back in the building in 7 months.  I was expecting it to be an adjustment.  I thought the hardest part would be getting out of bed an hour earlier.  Turns out that was the easy part.  It felt like my first day all over again.  I had butterflies walking into the building.  I had to learn the layout again.  I had to get used to a new (aka old) desk layout and my new (aka old) chair.  I had a few tech glitches getting everything readjusted to not being remote any longer.

But it was time.  If I wondered that driving in Monday morning, by the time I was driving home last Tuesday night I knew it was.  Is my risk of getting COVID a little higher?  Of course.  But as I told both my boss and my mother, my mental health is important, maybe even more so that my physical health this year, and I am no good to anyone if I have a nervous breakdown.

So I went back.  And I’m 100% at peace with it.

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