10 Even More Things You Probably Don’t Know about Me

Today is the third in a series (for lack of a better term) of things you probably don’t know about me!  And sure, someone reading this will probably know most of these, but don’t spoil the fun!

#1 I hate both heat indexes and wind chills.  They are both imaginary numbers.  They don’t mean anything.  If someone asks you the temperature, tell them the actual temp.  Not some value based on nothing more than a made up equation.

#2. I only wear thong underwear unless I’m wearing a skirt (which only happens a couple times a year).  It is more comfortable than anything else I’ve ever worn.  The key is to go up a size from your usual size.  Try them for a week and you will never go back!

#3 In spite of years of therapy I still worry that everyone is laughing at me behind my back.  I blame it partly on the years of gaslighting at the hands of my “best friend” in middle and high school and partly as just a symptom of my mental illnesses.

#4 Speaking of gaslighting- I had one real relationship in between husbands and it was a doozy.  He turned out to be a serial liar and master manipulator with a knack for gaslighting.  Looking back I am a little embarrassed at the red flags I missed or ignored.  But I learned a lot, so there’s that.

#5 I almost didn’t go to my interview for my former job at Midwest Wireless.  I had been interviewed by them a couple times in the past and didn’t get hired, so I wasn’t too enthused about going in again.  In retrospect that might helped me get the job because I wasn’t the least bit nervous.  I didn’t expect to get the job. Of course, not only DID I get the job, but that job led to my meeting my husband Pat!

#6 I have arthritis in both of my knees and at least one of my ankles.   I haven’t had the other foot x-rayed in the last 15 years, so for all I know I have it in both.  But only the knees bother me.

#7 I like the taste of mushrooms, but I can’t eat them because they do NOT agree with me at all.

#8 I cried more when Lilly’s kittens went to their forever homes than I did when my grandfather passed away in 2012.  I blame menopause.

#9 I have never seen Phantom of the Opera, Rent, or Hamilton.

#10 I became much more of a Prince fan after he died.  I have no logical explanation for it, it’s just true.

What fun facts about you do you want to share?

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