Unpopular Opinions Volume 3

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It’s been a while since I’ve done a rant session.  I feel like we need to rectify that.

#1 There is nothing more despicable than people who spread medical nonsense.  Cure for cancer hoaxes, anti-vaxxers, the COVID deniers, the list goes on.  There aren’t any upsides to spreading lies and half truths that can – and have- killed people.  The entire lot deserves to burn in the 7th circle of hell.

#2 Being anti – LGBT+ or racist or any other kind of hate is unchristian.  Jesus was pretty clear that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.  The parable of the Good Samaritan makes it abundantly clear that EVERYONE is our neighbor. He didn’t say to only love white people or straight people or people who vote a certain way.  And fun fact- Jesus wasn’t white, so being racist is doubly stupid.

#3 Infertility is not a disease.  Curing a disease is supposed to make you healthy.  Pregnancy and childbirth are both quite dangerous statistically for women, and never mind all the potential illnesses/ issues the child could have or develop.  Or all the germs that kid will bring into your house.  It’s the opposite of curing you- it’s opening you and your family up to exponentially more health issues.  And while I’m at it, no, I don’t think having biological children is a right.  If you need to parent something you can adopt- be that a child or a pet.  Your genes aren’t so special that the universe needs them.  Get over yourself.

#4 No one is impressed with your stupidly loud stereo/ exhaust system. No one is impressed with your dumb giant wheels.  No one is impressed with your stupid looking custom paint job. I personally assume you are compensating for a small penis, and if people don’t agree with me exactly, they will assume you are a giant douchebag.  Spend your money on just about anything else instead.

#5 I understand why people voted for Donald Trump in 2016.  Hillary Clinton had her own baggage.  I don’t understand why people voted for Trump in 2020 after seeing his incompetence in office, but again, Joe Biden was not without baggage of his own.   If you are planning on voting for Trump in 2024 what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Seriously, how badly does this clown have to screw up before you come to your senses?  This guy went bankrupt running a casino, so he’s no businessman.  He’s cheated on all 3 of his wives, called in “Two Corinthians” and has not been able to name one single Bible verse when asked on numerous occasions, so he’s no Christian.  He clearly doesn’t know truth from fiction even when presented with bullet proof evidence that he’s lying, so he doesn’t have a basic understanding of reality.    His policies are directly responsible for multiple serious railroad accidents including the one in East Palestine Ohio that spilled toxic chemicals everywhere. He mocks the military.  He mocks the disabled.  He mocks his own supporters.  Even Fox News has written him off for Christsake!

#6 Ok let’s end on a lighter note.  Ranch dressing is disgusting.  It looks like the man’s contribution to life and doesn’t taste much better.  It doesn’t even belong on salad, let alone pizza, sandwiches, or anywhere else that foul substance has shown up lately.

Feel free to disagree with me in the comments.  I’m here for it.


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