Life is Just a (Bad) Dream?

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I am battling a miserable bug.  At first I thought it was just a cold, but I’ve had multiple fever spikes of 102F which seems odd for a cold.  I’ve taken a couple COVID tests, so I know it’s not that.

Regardless, I’ve been spending a lot of time sleeping- sometimes with a fever.  And I have had some true “fever dreams” to go along with it.  One unfortunate theme has been some pretty crazy dreams of a sexual nature, 100% involving people I DO NOT have any desire to have sex with.  Ever.

There are a lot of theories about dreams.  Some people say dreams are just wish fufillment.  I call BS on that.  If that were true, I would have sexy time dreams about Jon Bon Jovi on the regular.   And I don’t.  I’ve maybe had 2 dreams like that in the entire time I have been in love with them – and that’s over 35 years.  And I promise you that I don’t have any desire to repeat high school, drive a bus, or live in a commune in the desert.  All things that have come up in dreams lately!

Another theory is that dreams all coded messages.  On the surface that makes a little sense, but the problem is that there is no one consensus on what a specific dream theme means.  As an example-  one very common dream that I have had is about your teeth falling out.  Depending on the source, that could mean that I’m worried about money, I’m worried about losing my youthful beauty (ha),  or that I’m embarrassed about something I said.  Or any number of other things equally as unrelated.

In my most recent dream theme- sexy times with people that I have no desire to have sex with- there isn’t a consensus there either.  Maybe I admire something about that person.  Maybe I need to be looking at the location we are having sex in- the bathroom means I have a dirty house and the kitchen means I’m “cooking up” something new.  Maybe I’m unhappy in my relationship.  Maybe I need to forgive someone OR I’m ready to forgive them.  Yeah- not a lot of help there.  And no, I am NOT unhappy in my marriage for the record.

So we are left with the third option- dreams are just random firings of your brain while it’s processing the previous day and they don’t mean diddlysquat.  I normally tend towards this one, even though I do have some dreams over and over again.  My brain is 51 years old- it is really going to go to the bother of creating something entirely new every night?  Why not take a shortcut here and there when you can?  That makes sense to me.

So what do you think?  Do you have disturbing dreams that kinda freak you out?  Do you put any stock in them?

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