What’s All the Fuss?

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Maybe it’s me.  Maybe I’m just a buzzkill.

I recently had a birthday. I got grief for not making a big deal out of this.  It wasn’t a big, round number- I turned 52.  Not a big deal.  I honestly forgot about it until the night before.

No, I’m not trying to deny I’m getting older.  It’s obvious when I look in mirror.  It’s obvious when I get out of bed every morning.   It’s obvious when I have conversations with some of my (much) younger coworkers.

No, I’m not trying to make myself look like some kind of selfless martyr.  I really enjoyed the cookies my coworker made me and it’s fun to have people wish you a happy day and make you feel special!

But you will never find me posting on social media that is it my “birthday month” and that I am “accepting gifts” all month long.   You won’t find me taking the day off from work every year.  Full disclosure- I AM taking the day after my birthday off this year, but for unrelated reasons.  I just don’t make that big of a deal out of my birthday most of the time.

Am I the weird one?   Am I manifesting self esteem issues or childhood trauma because I don’t make a monumental event of my day of birth?  I told someone that I had forgotten about my birthday and it was obvious from the look on her face she thought I was lying, but I wasn’t!  It just slipped my mind.

What do you think?  Are birthdays a big deal to you as an adult?  Am I missing something here?  What do you do for yourself on your day?


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