The Kitten Paradox

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First of all, I want to make it VERY clear that I love Oreo with all my heart.  Really I do.  I fell in love with him approximately 0.5 seconds after laying eyes on him.  Promise.


He is a lot.  I mean A LOT A LOT.

In 6 months he has not yet figured out that Boots does not want to wrestle.  Multiple times a day he tries to initiate play and multiple times a day she responds poorly.  He’s learned his name.  He knows the difference between the sound of my husband’s car vs. any other car that drives on our street.  He is not stupid.  But this simple pattern recognition continues to allude him.

He eats like a horse.  It is truly insane the amount of food one small(ish) creature can consume.  I know this is mostly because he is growing like a weed, but I fear if he doesn’t stop growing soon he will eat me out of house and home.

He gets the kitten crazies REALLY bad.  It’s hard to explain just how much energy he has when he is running through the house like his tail is on fire.  Sometimes he’s chasing Lilly.  Sometimes Lilly is chasing him.  Sometimes he hears something in the next room or outside that revs him up.  Sometimes no one knows why he’s running laps around the house.  But no lamp, cup, pen, or other object is safe from his drive bys.  This is especially charming at 2am, which is apparently Prime Time for Oreo Activity.

Yet on the other hand………

Oreo has the most amazing purr.  All kitty purrs are amazing- I can’t even explain why his is special but it just is.  It just hits different and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

He is so cute it almost hurts to look at him.  I mean just look at him!  He is so cute that even people who hate cats are forced to admit he is adorable.  He has the glossiest coat you can imagine.  He is very photogenic and sometimes I swear he is actually posing for the camera.  If you can look at face and not say “aaawwwww” you have a cold, dead heart.

He has a great personality.  He was confident in his surroundings less than 2 hours after first coming into our house.  He loves people, he loves attention, and he loves other cats- even if the feeling is not always mutual.  Having 2 cats already an outgoing kitten was just what we needed and is certainly what we got!  He loves to sleep on us, he follows us around the house, and he is curious about everything.

So no, I’m not sad he adopted Oreo and yes, this is his forever home.    I adore the little asshole.  But that’s doesn’t mean he’s not an asshole sometimes 🙂


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