And You Call Yourself a Christian?

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I’m going to say something that is probably going to piss off some people.

I don’t see how it is possible to continue to support Donald Trump and call yourself a Christian at the same time.

There is literally nothing even vaguely Christian about this man.  He has cheated on all 3 of his wives.  He has admitted to walking in on pageant contestants- including underaged girls –  while they were changing.  He likes to “grab women by the pussy” (his words, not mine). He has admitted to wanting to screw his own daughter Ivanka and had some really questionable photo shoots with her.  He has been found guilty of everything from tax fraud to sexual misconduct to misusing campaign donations.  He still has multiple trials coming up in multiple states for his role in the events leading up to and on January 6th 2021 and his stash of top secret documents stashed in his bathroom at Maralago  He’s declared bankruptcy six times.  He has no knowledge of the Bible at all, as shown by his inability to name a favorite Bible verse or even pronounce the name of the books of the Bible correctly. Every time he doesn’t get is way he whines like a spoiled toddler and claims the system is “rigged”.

And if that wasn’t bad enough – and I assure you it is- he compares himself to Jesus Christ.  The ONLY thing this man (and I use that term loosely) has in common with our Lord and Savior is that they are both male.

Jesus is the embodiment of unconditional love.  He said that the greatest commandments are to love your God above all else and to love your neighbor as yourself.   He healed the sick.  He ate with the sinners and the outcasts.  He gave his life for the entire world.

You don’t have to be a Christian to see that Trump is the polar opposite of ALL of these things.  If you are a Christian it should anger you to your very core that anyone would claim they are Christ-like, let alone a man with decades of well documented unchristian behavior on record.  It’s the most blasphemous thing anyone can say.  As Christians we should be denouncing this man with every fiber of our being.  We should be praying for him to see the errors of his ways, repent, and humble himself before the Lord.

But I don’t see that.  Instead I see people who claim to be good Christians support and even celebrate this creature.  Jesus said no one can serve two masters.  If you call yourself a Christian, you need to ponder that long and hard.


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