Amelia Earhart Day

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Today marks the birthday of Amelia Earhart, the aviator best known for her mysterious disappearance in 1937.

But she was so much more than that.  She was the first woman- and only the second person ever- to fly the Atlantic solo.  She founded the Ninety-Nines, a non profit designed to promote and support women in aviation.  She was a fashion designer whose designs were featured in Vogue magazine.  She was a best-selling author.  She was a magazine editor for Cosmopolitan.  She was a nurse.  She was the first women accepted into the aeronautic engineering program at NYU.  She was a strong advocate for equal rights for women in every aspect of life.

In short, she was a force to be reckoned with and worthy of all of the accolades she accumulated in her short life.  One can only imagine what she could have accomplished if she hasn’t disappeared when she did.




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