National Religious Freedom Day

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This year today is more important than ever- it’s National Religious Freedom day.

Now before the right loses their shit over this being some kind of “woke” holiday, learn the history.  This day was established in 1786 in Virginia and is based on the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom written by none other Thomas Jefferson.    It’s one of many works of his welcoming people of ALL religions to the newly formed United States. It’s the basis for the first amendment to the US Constitution.

A lot of people have forgotten that religious freedom is why the Pilgrims came to the New World, or that most of the Founding Fathers weren’t Christians and most certainly did NOT establish any kind of national religion.  Today is a good day to refresh your memory and maybe even research the works of Thomas Jefferson on the topic.  At the very least, today is a good day to refresh your memory on the first amendment and what it means.


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