Well This is Embarrassing

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I’ve never had a great immune system.  When I was a kid I got every bug that went around school at least once.  Even into adulthood I had ear infections, strep throat, stomach bugs, etc. more often than the average bear.  I’d just accepted it as part of who I was, just like being freakishly tall and having green eyes.

A few weeks ago Influenza, COVID, and norovirus were running rampant through my town.  I managed to not get any of them!   This has happened a few other times in recent years too.   It could just be luck and I’m totally jinxing myself by writing this.  Or it could be something else.

As I’m sure you recall one habit that was pushed HARD in 2020 was frequent, thorough hand washing.  I became borderline obsessed with this for a while and it has stuck with me.   have hand sanitizer in almost as many places as I have Chapstick (so literally everywhere).  I have soap sheets for use when traveling.  My hands have never been as clean as they have been the past 4ish years.

Did it really take me 49 years of life to figure out the correct way to wash my hands?  It may have.  Which is a bit embarrassing to say the least.  But if by telling my story I can get one person to think about it and start washing better themselves I think it’s worth telling.


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