Category Archives: It’s All Love

Marriage. Dating. Family. All of the above.

Ring My Bell

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On Saturday morning I did something new- I rang bells (well, one bell) for a Salvation Army kettle.  It was a very rewarding experience and I’m already planning on volunteering next year. I’ve supported them all my life and here’s why: #1 The Salvation Army is an extremely well run charity.  For decades they have been the gold standard on distribution… Read more »


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Today is Giving Tuesday.  You may have heard about this one- local radio stations in my area have been promoting this fairly heavily.  The idea sprung from a joint project of a New York City based YMCA and a United Nations group in 2012 as a way to highlight charitable giving and was promoted heavily on Mashable.  It has mushroomed… Read more »

Be Thankful

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(Almost) every year I post a list of things I’m thankful for this time of year.  After all, that is the point of Thanksgiving!   I’m not going to do that this year, but I am going to write down a list of blessing and I recommend that everyone reading this do the same.  And given all the strife, anger… Read more »

Sharing is caring

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I hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend. I’m fighting off some kind of sore throat/ cough thing and just not feeling creative.  So instead, of my usually scheduled musings, please enjoy the latest single by my Hall Pass aka Jon Bon Jovi and company, titled “This House is Not For Sale” courtesy of Vevo.

Ex husband day

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There IS an actual national ex- spouse day, which is April 14th. However, I’m celebrating it today because today is the birthday of my ex-husband Scott. Scott and I were married for 8 years and there are a multitude of reasons why it didn’t last longer.  Many stem from us simply marrying too young.  Perhaps partially because of that lack… Read more »

The promise of the PANK

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More and more lately it’s tempting to just stay off the internet entirely.  Facebook posts turn into political arguments.  If your email inbox isn’t full of spam or bill reminders it’s its full of urban legends still being circulated by older family members years after being debunked.  The internet was supposed to be this amazing place for learning and connecting, not… Read more »

Finding Daddy

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When it comes to guys, I definitely have a type.  In the course of my life I’ve managed to date/ marry / be attracted to a series of men than can be mostly described as stocky, dark haired,  possessing a larger than average vocabulary, some degree of  musical ability, and active interest  – if not participation in- politics.  Bonus points if… Read more »

10 years!

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Tuesday April 5th is a big deal in my world.  It is mine and my husband Pat’s 10th anniversary!  He picked the wedding date- it was 04-05-06.  He is so clever!  I am embarrassed to admit that I could not find a photo on my laptop from our actual wedding day, but this photo was taken not long afterwards and… Read more »