Really people? REALLY???

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Like everyone else I have been watching the devastation following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Like any decent human being my heart goes out to the thousands of people who are homeless, looking for lost loved ones, injured, hungry, or hurting in any other way. Sadly, not everyone is a decent human being. At least not from some of… Read more »

Time Goes By

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5 years ago this weekend I moved to Iowa. I need a moment to let that sink in.   Wow.   5 years ago my nephew was a chubby lil 1 1/2 year old toddler just learning to talk. Now he’s in first grade, in the advanced reading class at his school, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of his baby… Read more »

Dream a Little Dream

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question we ask children all the time and they always have an answer or two to give you without hesitation. Try asking 5 adults who know you well enough to not call Mental Health Services or 911 when you pose this question to them. I will predict… Read more »

In Defense of Valentine’s Day

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I’ve heard a lot of reasons today about why people shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. How sad! Why on Earth would anyone NOT want to celebrate love? Well….. #1 “It’s too commercialized”. While I don’t dispute that, so are Christmas, Halloween, etc. if you choose to see them in that way. Your TV has a mute button, a channel selector and… Read more »

Definitely Maybe

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Am I interesting? This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately- especially when reading other people’s blogs and trying to come up with topics for my own. I know I have strengths. I am a nice person. I think I can be funny. I have a large, if random, collection of information crammed into my skull that… Read more »

Mixed Emotions

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First of all, I am so so sick of finger pointing, public hysteria and politics in general!!! I am so annoyed that I cannot even put together a decent paragraph about any of them right now. Please go ahead and see my previous posts on politics, taking responsibility for yourselves, and generally being an adult. They are all doubly valid… Read more »

The Man in the Mirror

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Recently my husband and I were out for drinks with another couple and the conversation turned to- of all things- Michael Jackson. The comment was made that since he never had a childhood he was emotionally stuck at 7 years old his entire life and there was nothing he could do about it. That statement lead to a minor argument… Read more »

Keep the Faith

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I was reminded yesterday of the power of faith and was humbled by it all at the same time.I have a friend who has been through a jaw-dropping amount of sadness in the past five years. First, her husband of 16 years went to the ER with what everyone thought was a kidney stone but turned out to be cancer…. Read more »

Haiku Hysteria

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I recently happened upon a haiku on a humor website. I really wish I could remember which one as I’d love to give them credit, but alas I cannot. It went like this: Haiku’s are easy to write But they don’t always make sense Refrigerator I found this highly amusing and have been composing a few of my own. I… Read more »

A Fair and Balanced Review of Bon Jovi Greatest Hits- the Ultimate Collection

If you’ve ever met me or read my blog you are well aware of my long-standing love affair with Bon Jovi. And so of course I had to get their Greatest Hits album and of course I had to get the “Ultimate” 2 CD version! So, for the past 3 weeks I have been listening this 2 CD set pretty… Read more »