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Well apparently I wasn’t the only one who was not impressed by the billboard comparing Obama to Hitler. The thing has made headlines all over the world! Thankfully it was taken down yesterday but if you really want to know more about it just Google “Mason City Billboard”. I don’t know what was going on in the heads of whomever… Read more »

It’s shocking!!

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What is going on in this country that everything has to be shocking to get our attention? What makes me say this? I’ll tell you. Right now there are 2 billboards paid for by the Tea Party that I see every day on my drive to work. The first one, which has been up for a while now, says in… Read more »

Let There Be Music. Or Not

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There are very few things that I can truly say I’ve set my mind to that I did not achieve. Generally when I don’t accomplish something it’s because I didn’t really give it my all and/ or gave up when I got frustrated with my progress. Learning Spanish and yoga are two examples of things that I didn’t stay with… Read more »

I’m Not Dead

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I am still having blog block. It is very frustrating! I don’t know why all of a sudden my brain is not working in this way but hopefully I will get back on track blogging soon!

Heart and Soul

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As of late I have been plagued with blog block. I would come up with a really catchy title and nothing much to go with it, or, more commonly, I would read one or more of the blogs I follow and hope for some sort of inspiration from them. That didn’t happen.   But, as it always does, life happens… Read more »


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I was sitting in a fast food restaurant today minding my own business and trying to figure out how to do something on my Droid (which has become my new hobby). 3 people who appeared to be in the 18-23 age group were at a table next to mine and one of them happened to notice my new toy. She… Read more »

Act Your Age!

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I take quite a bit of pride in not looking my age (I’m 38). I am partly blessed with good genes in that area- my mom doesn’t look her age and my grandmother didn’t either. The fact that I am “big boned” helps keep wrinkles at bay as well. But I do have a cluttered bathroom and shower full of… Read more »