Amelia Earhart Day

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Today marks the birthday of Amelia Earhart, the aviator best known for her mysterious disappearance in 1937. But she was so much more than that.  She was the first woman- and only the second person ever- to fly the Atlantic solo.  She founded the Ninety-Nines, a non profit designed to promote and support women in aviation.  She was a fashion… Read more »

A Word from a Non-Trad Wife

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There has been a weird surge of “Trad Wife” content on social media.  “Trad” of course is short for “traditional”.  These accounts/ channels show women as merry housewives tending to several photogenic children, baking goodies from scratch, often tending to chickens and a huge garden, and generally cosplaying as June Cleaver. Before we go any further, I have nothing against… Read more »

A Year of Oreo!

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This week we celebrate a very special milestone at Casa Palmer! July 18th marks the one year anniversary of Oreo’s arrival in our home.  Pat saw Oreo – then named Hershey- was up for adoption at a local shelter and instantly knew he wanted to add him to our family.   He had been talking about getting a male cat for… Read more »

National Dimples Day

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Are you in the approximately 25% of people who have fovea buccalis?  Don’t worry if you do- it’s not a bad thing!  That is just the medical term for dimples! Dimples are actually a birth defect!  They are caused when the zygomaticus major facial muscle in your cheek doesn’t form properly in utero.  There are two sets of muscle tissue… Read more »