Category Archives: It’s All Love

Marriage. Dating. Family. All of the above.

We’re Going Back!

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By the time you are reading this I will be recovering from my cousin’s wedding.  While this is cause for celebration all by itself, the wedding is taking place in DULUTH!! This wasn’t exactly a shock the wedding is happening in Duluth since the happy couple does live there, but we were all happy to find out for sure that’s… Read more »

National Brothers and Sisters Day

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Today is the day to celebrate your siblings! I have one sister.  She is three years younger than me and almost entirely unlike me in any way.   She’s calm and laid back.  She drives enormous vehicles.  She has children.  Our politics are different.  Our taste in foods differ.  Our taste in entertainment differs. But in spite of all of this,… Read more »

That’s not an Insult

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Calling someone “woke” is supposed to be an insult.  Supposedly it’s someone who’s out of touch and living in some kind of fantasy land. That is hilarious. People who don’t think the LGBTQ community deserve human rights are the ones who are out of touch.  People who think women don’t deserve full bodily autonomy are ones who are out of… Read more »

Celebrating Boots

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I’ve been talking/ writing about my dearly departed Pumpkin and the always surprising Lilly (aka Lil’ Miss Mayhem) a lot, but today we are going to talk about my BFF Boots. Last week we marked Boot’s 6th “Gotcha Day”.  For those unfamiliar, Gotcha Day is the day you adopted/ “got” your fur baby and is the alternative for when you… Read more »

National Pet Day

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No matter if you have cats, dogs, ferrets, or something else, today is the day to celebrate your pet! I have written a lot about my cats and everyone who knows me knows how important they are to me.  We all went on the journey of Lilly’s pregnancy and babies together and to this day people ask about those kittens!… Read more »

All The Love

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There isn’t much better than a good meal shared with good people.  Today I was able to celebrate Easter with my dad’s side of the family including my cousin who lives in Las Vegas and her 5 month old daughter. Granted, the baby had everyone pretty well distracted with her cuteness and newness.  But there wasn’t any little digs taken… Read more »