National Religious Freedom Day

This year today is more important than ever- it’s National Religious Freedom day. Now before the right loses their shit over this being some kind of “woke” holiday, learn the history. This day was established in 1786 in Virginia and is based on the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom written by none other Thomas Jefferson. It’s one of many… Read more »
Rock Bottom Has a Basement and It Is on Fire

It’s impossible to turn on any news or social media platform and NOT see truly horrifying footage of the fires in Los Angeles. The level and scale of the destruction is historic. MOST people react to these images and stories with sympathy for the people who have lost their homes, their businesses, their employment, their pets, friends, and/ or family… Read more »
Faithful Friday 1-10
National Pass Gas Day

Yes, this is really a thing. Every day is Pass Gas Day at my house. In yet another display of how comfortable my husband Pat and I are around each other, neither of us hides any flatulence from the other. Hell, sometimes we even compliment a really good fart! Some fun fart facts: All mammals, insects, and fish fart Herbivores… Read more »
Greener Suggestions?

WAY back in 2020 I started looking at small changes I could make that would be better for the planet. Unfortunately, COVID completely derailed my plans. All of a sudden everything was about single use, disposable items. It seems we are finally far enough removed from 2020 that we can start thinking about the planet in earnest again. I did… Read more »
Faithful Friday 1-3
Happy Mew Year for Cats!

Today is a day to celebrate our feline companions- it’s Mew Year for Cats day! This holiday was created by the folks at These folks have created over 70 different fun holidays ranging from Snow Plow Mailbox Hockey Day on January 23rd to Cranky Coworkers Day on October 30th. They also sell supplements for cats so they might have had… Read more »
Happy New Year!
The Firstiest of First World Problems

So I have an aggravation that is laughable by almost any standard. But it’s bugging me and when things bug me I write about them. As you well know I am a huge Miami Dolphins fan. Have been since I was a kid. What you may not know unless you are also a football fan is that for many years… Read more »